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Katy Perry 3-D concert movie to be released in July

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Singer Perry poses for a picture during a photo opportunity before her performance at IPL opening ceremony in the southern Indian city of ChennaiNEW YORK (Reuters) - The makers of Justin Bieber's top-grossing concert film have moved on to another global pop star -- Katy Perry. A 3-D documentary concert feature film billed as an on-and- off stage close up look at Perry and her 2011 California Dreams Tour began production more than year ago, Paramount Pictures said in a statement on Wednesday. The movie, called "Katy Perry: Part of Me," is named after her new single "Part of Me," which was released in February and debuted at No. 1 on Billboard's Hot 100. ...

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Katy Perry 3-D concert movie to be released in July