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Recruitment PT PLN (Persero) March 2012 for High School Level (Bali area)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara Persero (PLN abbreviated) is a state that takes care of all aspects of power that exist in Indonesia.

Electricity in Indonesia started in the late 19th century, when several Dutch companies set up power generation for its own purposes. The utilization of electric power for the public interest since the private company of Dutch NV. NIGM expand its business in the field of electric power, which was originally only engaged in the gas. Then expanded with the establishment of other private companies.

Electricity consumption in Indonesia
Indonesia's electricity consumption average is 473 kWh / capita in 2003. This figure is still relatively low compared to the average electricity consumption of the world which reaches 2215 kWh / capita (est. 2005). In the list released by The World Fact Book, Indonesia ranks 154 out of 216 countries on the list.

Vision & Mission

Recognized as World Class Company is Growing flowers, Superior and Trusted by relying on Potential Supreme Spirit.

  • Running a business of electrical and other related fields, oriented to customer satisfaction, member of the company and shareholders.
  • Making electricity as a medium to improve the quality of community life.
  • Striving to be the driving power of economic activity.
  • Running an environmentally friendly business activities.

Electricity for a Better Life

Job at PT PLN (Persero) in March 2012

PT PLN (Persero) open up opportunities for candidates on the level of General/ Vocational High School (SLTA/ SMK) to join, develop and pursue a career with PT PLN (Persero) Distribution of Bali.

*) Job Position(s) available for SMK Level :
  1. Junior Operator/ Junior Engineer di Bidang OPHAR Distribusi (DIS) - For SMK Listrik students
  2. Junior Operator/Junior Engineer di bidang OPHAR Pembangkit (KIT) - For SMK Teknik Mesin/ Listrik students

**) Job Position(s) available for SLTA Level :
  1. Junior Officer di bidang Administrasi (ADM) - For SMA IPA/ IPS/ Administrasi students

How to Apply ?

If you are interested to join at one of the listed job position/ field above, please do a registration process with no later than the date of March 14th, 2012 (post mark).

You can access the following link below to meet complete information and reference about this job announcement refer to PT PLN (Persero) Distribution of Bali recruitment

LoKerSPOT | Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Maret 2012 - Swasta CPNS BUMN

Recruitment PT PLN (Persero) March 2012 for High School Level (Bali area)